Plainfield Co-op Request for Proposals for the Future Use of the Village Building 153 Main St. Plainfield, VT Plainfield Co-op Board of Directors is currently soliciting plans/proposals for the purchase and re-use of this building. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis with a submission deadline of February 1, 2025 Questions may be submitted to: Process: This RFP is intended to determine possible future uses for the building and will not be binding. Real estate transactions by the co-op require approval by member vote. Multiple proposals may be accepted for further consideration. Negotiations regarding purchase price and terms will be handled separately. Background The Plainfield Co-op has owned and used the former grange hall at 153 Main St. as a retail natural food store for many years. The second story hosts a Community Center that is run by the co-op and community volunteers. After an involved community process, co-op members voted to purchase Plainfield Hardware on Rt. 2 and to move retail operations to this location. The village store building is now available for new uses. The co-op’s current operating plan assumes that the building will be sold and the revenue used to support the new location.
Physical description of the building 153 Main St. is a two-story building with 4,400 square feet of total space, of which approximately 1,200 square feet has been used as retail floor space. There is one bathroom on the first floor. A walk-in cooler and some equipment may convey with the building if desired. Second floor (current Community Center) consists of a foyer, office and large open room with hardwood flooring. 2023 Property Tax Bill= $3625 Criteria for Selecting a Proposal 1. Proposal must meet the financial needs of the co-op. 2. Future use of the building should meet demonstrated needs of the Plainfield community. 3. Priority may be given to plans that allow for the continued operation of the Community Center. 4. Proposal should not compete with or negatively affect current co-op operations. Submitting a Proposal: Email proposal to Your proposal should consist of: - Narrative description of your plan including timeline. - Contact information and relevant background of the applicant(s) - Financing plan for the project

We are hiring for a Maintenance Coordinator. Check out the job description here.

Kevin Ellis’s July 26th Vermont Viewpoint interview with John Cleary and Andy Robinson regarding the Co-op’s purchase of Plainfield Hardware: Fast forward to the 22:25 mark.

Seven Days article from May 10th: Plainfield Co-op to Move to Plainfield Hardware

VT Community News article from November 22nd: Plainfield Co-op balances nostalgia and growth with planned expansion 

Plainfield Co-op is on the move –
Together we can!

• Offer so much more than a grocery store…
• Better serve the needs of our neighbors…
• Expand the cooperative spirit throughout our community…
• And invest in the next 50 years of the Plainfield Co-op!

To learn about the benefits to our community, the details about financing and operations, and how you can be a part of our move:


Your support, by making a loan or a donation, is an investment in your community, supports local jobs, and provides access to grocery items and fresh food in our community.

Note: You don’t have to be a member to lend or give to the Co-op!

Through generous gifts and loans, we have so far raised $523,000 toward our $600,000 goal for our move!

For background on the Plainfield Co-Op Expansion Project, visit our library of resources.

Celebrating Our 51st YearSee the photos of the 50th celebration.

Interested in Helping?

A committee of members will help guide this project. Experience in real estate, fundraising, grant writing, business and project management will all be helpful. Or simply enthusiasm for this exciting project!

Please reach out to

Closed: New Year’s Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas
The Community Center will permanently close after January 15th, 2025.

Store Info


Monday through Friday:

11:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday:

10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Express Window:
for Six Items or Fewer

General Inquiries:

Phone: (802) 454-8579


153 Main Street (P.O. Box 266)

Plainfield, VT 05667


East Montpelier:

Monday through Friday:

7:00 AM – 6:00 PM


8:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Phone: (802) 454-1000


4723 US-2

East Montpelier, VT 05651

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In the Heart of Plainfield Village

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