Issue: Summer 2024
by Glenda Bissex, Editor
Change. Change can feel exciting. Change can feel threatening. Change can feel like a relief. Change can feel like a loss. Change can feel like all those together. Change happens, whether by evolution or revolution, and the Plainfield Co-op is in the middle of it.
This Newsletter tries to bring you some information about that change (see the President’s and the Treasurer’s reports, and an update from the Board). An historical perspective on the evolution of the Plainfield Hardware and General Store that is now becoming part of our Co-op’s history (see Gail Falk’s “A History of Change”). Some responses to change (see Deb Barnwell’s “Flavor” and Lucy Blue’s “The Unfolding.”) And as the seasons also change, so do some of the foods we eat (see Debra Stoleroff’s recipes based on summer produce).
The newly revived Newsblast, published and sent to our mailing list frequently, is designed to keep you updated on the latest Co-op events and on products available in the store—right now the summer produce we’ve been waiting for—local sweet corn, Pennsylvania peaches, local blueberries.
The Newsletter, on the other hand, provides more in-depth reports, reflections on issues, information in the context of a bigger picture, and an opportunity for readers to speak out (though few ever do). We continue to invite your letters, poems, cartoons, whatever. Deadline for submissions for our fall issue is October 15.
The Newsletter Committee:
- Glenda Bissex, Editor, songboat@vtlink.net
- Elizabeth Mathai, Design & Layout, and Ad Coordinator, elizabethmathai@yahoo.com
- Gail Falk, Staff Writer, gail.falk@gmail.com
- Debra Stoleroff, Recipe Editor, debrastoleroff@protonmail.com