The Unfolding
Poem: What must it feel like to be a flower as it changes, so slowly hour by hour, from seed into seedling …
Assuming the Co-op moves, one of the ideas being passed around regarding the Co-op building in Plainfield Village is to sell it to PACT
So You Wanna Buy a Hardware Store?
One hundred ninety Co-op members held a decisive vote to pursue, if feasible, acquiring Plainfield Hardware.
Baked Custard
Custards correspond to “basic” clothing. Because they are so simple they give the widest scope for imaginatively chosen accessories.
Apple Cake
Andrea Serota’s Apple Cake; reprinted from Fall 2010 issue
Kaddu made with Squash
Kaddu is an Indian dish which is traditionally made with stronger tasting pumpkin.
Cranberry-Pear Sauce with Ginger
From Andrea Serota; made with fresh ginger. Reprinted from Fall 2010 issue
Carrot and Orange Soup
Collected by Debra Stoleroff
Adapted from The Silver Palate Cookbook by Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins
Stuffed Mushrooms (appetizer)
Melissa always brings good food to potlucks. She recently brought this yummy, warm, winter appetizer to an event.
On Being a Working Member
There are many different reasons you can become a working member at the Co-op, but here my top ten reasons: