
The Plainfield Community Center serves as a bridge to further the relationship between the Plainfield Co-op, its members, and the larger community. It provides a community space and encourages diverse activities and events.

About The Community Center

Located directly above the Co-op is the Plainfield Community Center, with openings for classes/workshops and events, public and private. The large, well-lit room upstairs doubles as an art gallery space and, while lacking in handicap access, can accommodate most small functions. We provide wall mirrors, chairs, and a few tables, in addition to the odd podium or puppet theatre. Scheduled users should feel free to make use of the Rinnai heater, if the weather demands it, and a sink is also immediately available. There is also a baby grand piano for (gentle) public use and you are welcome to play when the space is unoccupied.

Read more about the art gallery here.

Community Center Calendar

Please note: The calendar will display event times based on your local time zone.


We now require anyone using the space to sign out the Community Center key. It is still available to the community, but we ask for a name and phone number for the safety and security of our employees and the Community Center space.


$9/hr for Plainfield Co-op members; $15/hr for non-members

$35 refundable cleaning deposit for all events.

Forms for renting the Community Center are available by the register at the store. You can also download the forms below, fill them out, and email us the completed forms. Or print them out and bring them to us whenever you get a minute. Let us know if you need special equipment or space allowances and we’ll try to be accommodating.

To rent the Community Center, click the two forms link below and either,
1) Print the form, complete the form and bring it or mail it to the Co-op OR
2) download it from the form viewer, complete the form fields and emaill as an attachment to membership@plainfieldcoop.com



Co-op Sponsored Events

The Plainfield Community Center will sponsor events that help the Plainfield Co-op meets its goals of building a sense of community. If an event is sponsored by the Community Center, the Co-op will waive the rental fee, can help with some advertising, and offer other support for the event. The requirement for a Community Center Sponsored Event is that there can be no price of admission charged. A suggested donation can be set, but all donated money goes to the Community Center.

To apply for a sponsored event, click the form link below and either,

1) Print it, complete the form and bring it or mail it to the Co-op OR

2) download it from the form viewer, complete the form fields and email as an attachment to membership@plainfieldcoop.com


Need More Information?

Events & Classes: Please call the store (802.454.8579)
Art Gallery Info: Alexis Smith (802.685.3027 or 802.371.7239)

Or email: membership@plainfieldcoop.com

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