Through generous gifts and loans, we have so far raised $345,000 toward our $500,000 goal for our move to Plainfield Hardware!

Did you miss Joseph Gainza’s interview with Board Treasurer John Cleary, or want to hear it again? You can listen in the WGDR archives here. The show is ‘Gathering Peace’ (under the Social Justice category). 
Check out the Seven Days article about our move to Plainfield Hardware.

Plainfield Co-op is on the move –
Together we can!

• Offer so much more than a grocery store…
• Better serve the needs of our neighbors…
• Expand the cooperative spirit throughout our community…
• And invest in the next 50 years of the Plainfield Co-op!

To learn about the benefits to our community, the details about financing and operations, and how you can be a part of our move:

Your support, by making a loan or a donation, is an investment in your community, supports local jobs, and provides access to grocery items and fresh food in our community.

Note: You don’t have to be a member to lend or give to the Co-op!

For background on the Plainfield Co-Op Expansion Project, visit our library of resources.

Celebrating Our 51st YearSee the photos of the 50th celebration.

Interested in Helping?

A committee of members will help guide this project. Experience in real estate, fundraising, grant writing, business and project management will all be helpful. Or simply enthusiasm for this exciting project!

Please reach out to

Store Hours

Monday through Saturday
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Sunday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Express Window
for Six Items or Fewer

General Inquiries

Curbside Pick-up 
Email orders to

Phone: (802) 454-8579


153 Main Street (P.O. Box 266) 
Plainfield, VT 05667

Shop with us

In the Heart of Plainfield Village

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