Why Join?

The Plainfield Co-op is open to the public, but we rely strongly on our members to survive and thrive. If you are committed to buying locally and consciously, we encourage you to invest in membership. You’ll be helping local businesses and local farmers.

Cost of Membership

The Plainfield Co-op is structured on an Equity model. All member-owners are of equal standing and, as such, contribute and own their cooperative, equally. Unlike membership dues, equity allows you to invest and become an actual owner of the Co-op, with the right to receive the benefits of the profits.

Looking at the future needs of the Co-op, the full equity share price will be $180.00. If additional demands arise in the future, the cost of the share would rise and members would be asked to keep themselves fully invested in their Co-op. Member-owners can make a minimum payment of $20 a year towards the full share. You have options on how to pay for your equity share: you could continue to pay $20.00 annually until you reach the full cost of the share ($180), or you may choose to purchase your equity share in one payment to be paid in full. As long as you keep current with your payments, you are a fully vested member-owner of the Co-op.

With the move to equity, Member-owners will now be eligible for patronage dividends which will be paid annually. The amount of the dividends is dependent on how the Co-op did financially that year.

Membership Benefits

Regular membership

•Eligible for annual patronage dividends
•Place special orders below store markup
•The opportunity to run for the Board of Directors or to serve on Advisory Committees
•Free subscription to the quarterly Co-op newsletter
•Be an involved member of the community, helping determine the future and direction of the Co-op
•Be an equity holder in a grocery store owned and run FOR the community

Working Membership

You can become a working member by working at the Co-op at least 1 hour per week. Working Member responsibilities: these include (but aren’t limited to) cheese-stocking & packaging; repacking bulk; cleaning; fundraising; computer skills; organizing events; plowing snow; child care; electrical; carpentry; painting; plumbing; music events; gardening, and oh so much more. We love our volunteers

•3%-7% discount
•Eligible for annual patronage dividends
•Place special orders below store markup
•The opportunity to run for the Board of Directors or to serve on Advisory Committees
•Free subscription to the quarterly Co-op newsletter
•Be an involved member of the community, helping determine the future and direction of the Co-op
•Be an equity holder in a grocery store owned and run FOR the community

Board & Committee Membership

•7% discount
•Eligible for annual patronage dividends
•Place special orders below store markup
•Free subscription to the quarterly Co-op newsletter
•Be an involved member of the community, helping determine the future and direction of the Co-op
•Be an equity holder in a grocery store owned and run FOR the community

Membership FAQs

Do I have to be a member to shop at the Co-op?

Everyone is welcome to shop at the Co-op. However, members are eligible for an annual dividend as well as voting rights in the organization and special-order privileges.

How much does membership cost?

Members purchase shares of the Co-op. A share costs $180, which can be paid in annual payments of $20. You can pay ahead, if you like. A membership is needed for each adult.

Do you honor membership in other Co-ops?

We have a reciprocal relationship with some Co-ops in the area. Any purchase made at the Plainfield Co-op will be credited to those Co-ops. Each year, appropriate payments will be made to those Co-op’s. Individuals will not receive a direct discount.

Member Forms

Click on any of the following links to Download our Member Forms, once filled you can send them to admin@plainfieldcoop.com

Member Input

Send It To Us…
Do you have a comment or suggestion you would like to share with the Co-op staff? We would love to hear it. Send us an email at info@plainfieldcoop.com

Previous Member Inputs

To ensure the goals for the organization established by the board reflect the membership’s desires for the Co-op, the Board works to create and sustain a meaningful relationship with the membership. Input from members through such means as surveys and member meetings adds to the board’s wisdom regarding those desires. To help hold on to past input from the members, these documents are available here:

2020 Member-Owner Survey Results

2019 Survey Results

2016 Member Survey Results

2016 Non-member Survey Results

2013 Member Survey Results

2011 Annual Meeting Member Input

2011 December World Cafe Member Input

2010 Member Survey Results

2010 Member Survey Report

2006 Member Survey Results

2006 March Membership Meeting Member Input

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