About This Newsletter April 2024

by Glenda Bissex, Editor

Co-ops and caterpillars in the process of transformation seemed like the perfect theme for this Spring newsletter when member Jan Waterman’s article was suggested to us. That the caterpillars’ transformation into moth or butterfly is not a neat, step-by-step process may be reassuring to our Co-op members and staff experiencing the transition from village store to highway, multi-department store as unsettling and disorienting. It’s messy, uncertain—will we really turn into a butterfly? Right now we’re in the soup, which Jan tells us is the necessary dissolution on the way to a caterpillar’s transformation.

The Board has signed an agreement to buy Plainfield Hardware; the transformation is underway. Board President Rose Paul explains some of what’s ahead. Treasurer John Cleary gives us the sobering numbers of our present position—definitely in the soup—but with the prospect of transforming into a successful business. (And speaking of soup, Debra Stoleroff offers a recipe for red lentil soup—a soup you can enjoy.) 

If you don’t want to think about soup, you could think about salt. Deb Barnwell, recently back from travels, gives a glimpse into the fascinating history and variety of salts. 

There are many ways you can help our Co-op during this time of transition. I suggest some in my article “Only You Can Break This Vicious Cycle.” The President’s report offers more ways, and they don’t all involve money. We are a cooperative, which means we work together, giving what we can (time, talent, encouraging words, a smile, or a check) for the benefit of all.

We want to hear from you—opinions, history, poems, photos. Deadline for submissions to the summer newsletter is July 15.

The Newsletter Committee:

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