Appreciations of Jezebel Crow

We would like to thank Jezebel Crow for her dedication, hard work, blood, sweat and tears over the years. We would also like to thank her animals for patiently waiting for her love and attention to return to their farm while she carved out time to give to the Co-op. We wish her all the best on all her next adventures. She will carry her bright spirit and knowledge of the stars to whatever she does. We will miss her presence, fun facts, wacky sense of humor and delicious cooking that she brought as we worked beside her during our shifts. We will also miss the way she cares for those often overlooked; the under dogs of this world are safe when Jez is around. It’s not always apparent who is doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes, but she left some very big boots to fill. We will do our best, but there is no replacing her. Thanks, Jez! For Everything! We miss you. Yes, even your terrible, punny jokes. “Nothing!”

— from Anji Domino and some other staff members

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Jezebel Crow worked hard and dedicated her life for over 10 years helping to improve the store, as well as getting staff closer to a livable wage, and keeping the basic principles of our cooperative as part of the daily workings of the store. She will always be remembered and respected as a great leader, who brought her knowledge, understanding and love for the community and local values to our Plainfield food cooperative.

She made us laugh almost every shift, while she maintained good supervision and helpful guidance as she did her best to help rehabilitate the Co-op when we were struggling. I will always think of her as one of the best “bosses” that I ever got to work with, and I will greatly miss working alongside her. We wish her the best on her next adventure.

P.S. Her locally made goat milk soap is available in our store.

— from Eben Markova-Gold, Lead Floor Staff, Bakery Buyer

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Jez stepped in when the Co-op staff desperately needed some on-the-floor leadership. She worked  tirelessly to keep this place running, and did a damn good job. Soft spoken, yet assertive (traits I share), it’s not lost on me that she shares my sister’s name and approximate birth year, and has always felt like family. And she is, like the Co-op, “adopted family.”

Life is constant change, but what a void the Plainfield Co-op has right now. Dang, I miss her—her devotion and how much she brought to this place.

— from Chris Thompson, Maintenance Coordinator

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